Login DatabaseHow to login database:To analyze the SQL, you need to provide 2 accounts to login the database. The first one is the user can execute the target SQL, while the second one is the one has the privileges to monitor and anzlyze the target SQL, whom we call Monitoring User. The monitoring user should have the privilege to query the fixed views, such as v$session, v$sql and so on. You may use a DBA user as the monitoring user. To login the database, click File->New, or click the "New" button on the toolbar. It will popup the login windows shown as below User SessionYou need to provide the login information the user to execute the target SQL. DB NameDB Name is the connection information of the target database. It could be either one of below strings.
User NameThe user can execute the target SQL. Normally, it could be user using by your application to connect the database. PasswordPassword of the application user. as sysdbaTick it if the user is a sysdba user. Otherwise, leave it unticked. Monitoring SessionSame as user sessionTick it if the mornitoring user is same as the applciation user. User NameThe user have the privileges to analyze and monitor the target SQL, ideally, it is the dba user. PasswordPassword of the monitoring user. as sysdbaTick it if the user is a sysdba user. Otherwise, leave it unticked.
Save session infoTick it if you want the connection information to be remembered. It will be saved once the connectiong is built successfully. And you will be able to select the existing login connection from the dropdown list.
Connect to Database
Click "Connect" once you make suer all inputs are correct. It will popup a message if it encounter any problem. Otherwise, the login window will be disappearred.